Sunday, November 6, 2011


Used this blog's recipe as a guide:

Mi gato checking out the vegetables..

A closer look...

Veggie condiments.

Posole cooking.

The finished product

Don't forget to add all the fixin's!

Delicious meal in a bowl! Perfect for a rainy day!
According to Steve Posole was originally made with human meat.  The human meat came from ritual sacrifice, but when the Spaniards came to Mexico they outlawed cannibalism so they substituted pork because it was the closest tasting to human meat.  At first I thought he was making it up, but the Wikipedia page confirms this story.

Also making this recipe I had to ask myself- "What exactly is hominy?"  Steve said corn.  Once again he was right! According to Wikipedia hominy,  "is dried maize kernels which have been treated with an alkali in a process called nixtamalization."  The flavor of hominy reminds me of tamales.
So I learned a few new things from making this recipe!

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